Virtues in Practice Monthly Awards

A virtue is a good habit. The word virtue comes from the Latin “virtus,” which means “strength.” Christ gives us the graces to enable us to overcome our weaknesses and develop strength, or virtue. People who are virtuous enjoy the freedom of being their best selves and growing closer to God.


February Recipients – Virtue: Honesty

January Recipients – Virtue: Gratitude

December Recipients – Virtue: Generosity

November Recipients – Virtue: Stewardship

October Recipients – Virtue: Reverence

September Recipients – Virtue: Faith

Capturing Kids’ Hearts Leadworthy Monthly Awards

Each month we recognize students who embody the monthly character traits of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program.

Girls Varsity Basketball

Congratulations to St. Mary’s Varsity D3 Girls, who won the Championship Game 20-10 to bring home that trophy!!! Way to go girls! #GoTigers

Archery – Week of 11/27

Congratulations to this week’s Archery Top Shots, who each shot 29 out of a possible 30 on their first three arrows! Excellent marksmanship, gentlemen!

Great job, Patrick Gallegos!

Way to go, Ethan Villasenor!

Girls’ Varsity Volleyball

The 8th Grade Varsity Girls’ Volleyball team made it to Division II Playoffs this year! These girls achieved so much this Fall: Tenacity, grit, integrity, teamwork. St. Mary’s is so SO proud of you, girls. Job well done!

Tri-Core Math Problem Solving Contests

St. Mary’s middle school students compete in a problem solving competition with 18 selected schools in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.  Each week students complete weekly problem solving problems as a supplement to regular instruction to prepare for the 3 contests which are given throughout the year. . Each contest has 11-12 word problems.  Contests are completed in school and have a 35 minute time limit.  Students with the highest total scores on all 3 contests win cash prizes, trophies and certificates of recognition and patches of achievement.. 

The top 30 finishers in each grade win cash prizes totaling $9,500+! 

Isaac Trinh
4th place 7th grade – $150 prize

Julian Ramirez
21st Place – $25 prize

8th Grade Blue Patch Winners
Students must get 5 out of the 6 Level A/B problems correct on a contest. Annie, Mattie, Indie, Emily, Leslie, Luis

7th Grade Blue Patch Winners
Students must get 5 out of the 6 Level A/B problems correct on a contest. John, Isaac, Henry, Ana, Lillie, Karen, Jillian, Julian

Orange Patch Winners
Students must earn a blue patch, then get 2 out of the 3 Level C problems correct on a contest. Isaac, Luis, Leslie, Emily

Black Patch Winners
Students must earn an orange patch, then get 1 out of the 2 Level D problems correct on a contest. Isaac, Leslie, Emily