All volunteers MUST be Safe Environment cleared by the Diocese of Dallas before serving on campus.
One of the major strengths of St. Mary’s Catholic School is our community. This community sustains the school financially, spiritually and socially. A general volunteer expectation produces a strong school community.
All families are expected to volunteer 30 hours per year (15 in the Fall, 15 in the Spring) for major fundraisers, community events, classroom needs, and various campus projects. Volunteer opportunities will be updated throughout the year on the SMS Sign Up page, linked above.
If your family is unable to volunteer the required 30 hours, volunteer time will be billed through FACTS at a rate of $15/hour. School employees and HASA Board Members are exempt from the volunteer requirement. And certainly, any family facing serious or unforeseen circumstances (i.e. hospitalization, etc.) may meet with the principal to discuss their situation.